How to cancel your TeleportHQ subscription
To cancel an active subscription on a Premium workspace, go to your dashboard and find all your workspaces in the left panel.
Hover over the Premium workspace you want to cancel, click on the ⋮ icon, and select “Plans” option from the dropdown menu.
In the Plans tab in the Workspace settings, Click on Downgrade to free in the Free plan card.
After you click the Downgrade to free button, a confirmation popup message will be displayed.
If you are sure you want to cancel your subscription, click the Cancel subscription button.
After canceling your subscription, it will still be active until the expiration date.
Hover over the Premium workspace you want to cancel, click on the ⋮ icon, and select “Plans” option from the dropdown menu.
In the Plans tab in the Workspace settings, Click on Downgrade to free in the Free plan card.
After you click the Downgrade to free button, a confirmation popup message will be displayed.
If you are sure you want to cancel your subscription, click the Cancel subscription button.
After canceling your subscription, it will still be active until the expiration date.
Updated on: 30/07/2024
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