Articles on: Getting started

How to create your first project

Create your first project and manage the project settings

Create a project
Project Settings
Real-time Collaboration and Access Type

Learn to use TeleportHQ by following our Intro series. It's the easiest way to see how our platform works and what you can accomplish with it.

1. Dashboard

After logging into Teleport you will land on the Dashboard. This is the place where you can see and manage your projects.
As a new user you will start off with an intro project which is meant to help you navigate around Teleport.

Dashboard layout

2. Create a project

To create a project click on the New Project button. This will take you to a new screen where you can choose whether you want to start with an empty project or if you want to use a template.

Create a new project

Blank Project

Starting from a blank project means that you will only have one page which is the homepage and a predefined Design Language.

Starting from blank

AI generated project

Click on the Generate with AI to build a new website with our AI website builder. You will be able to give a prompt based in which the text is generated. The Website will be built with interchangeable sections. Learn more about using the AI website builder here.

Create project with AI

Project from template

If you want to get a head start you can pick a template. Here you have two choices, you can either choose a high-fidelity or a low-fidelity template, depending on your needs.
We provide a variety of designer-made templates to help you reach your goals faster.

Starting from a template

3. Project Settings

Enter Project Settings either from the dashboard or from the project editor by clicking on the name of the project.
Here you can edit information about your project that will end up in your deployed app, such as favicon, custom code, images for social media and much more.

Project settings


In the General tab you can change information related to Teleport like name and subdomain as well as website meta information such as title, description, favicon and language. You can also see if you reached the limit for the uploaded assets.


The Integrations tab is where you can save your tokens for integrations with Vercel, GitHub or Netlify (coming soon). More on this in the Preview & Publish lesson.


If you want to use custom fonts then the Fonts tab is where you need to go. Simply add the link and the name of the font and it will be available in the Text Styles section when editing texts.

Custom Code

In the custom code tab you can add your Google Analytics or Tag Manager id to keep track of the visitors on your website.
You can add any custom JavaScript code which will be injected in the head or body of the published website.


From the social tab you can change the image, title and description of your website which will appear when it is shared on social media.

4. Real-time Collaboration and Access Type

You can invite collaborators to your project from the Share modal in the top right corner. You will be able to work with your colleagues in real-time and see who is online and what elements they are working on.

As a project owner, you can set roles for the collaborators to either editor or viewer. Editors can do everything the owner can except delete the project, and viewers can see all the project content but cannot modify anything.

Owners and editors can also change the access type for projects to public, cloneable or restricted. Public projects can be viewed by anyone with a link, but can be edited only by users with edit permission. Cloneable projects can be viewed and cloned by anyone with a link, and restricted projects can only be accessed by collaborators.

Adding collaborators

Updated on: 17/03/2025

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