How to host your website
All you need to know about the website hosting services provided by TeleportHQ
Free hosting on TeleportHQ subdomain
Host on Custom domain through TeleportHQ
Host on Custom domain through Vercel integration
Free hosting on TeleportHQ subdomain
Hosting on a TeleportHQ subdomain is available to all users and all plans
Hosting your project on a free subdomain makes it fast and easy to go live with your website..
Our hosting product is built on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and includes free SSL certificates. Google ranks these websites higher and in addition, browsers will not display a warning to visitors with security issues.
Our service also offers a smart image optimization management system that will crop, compress and convert images to the webp format..
How to publish on TeleportHQ free subdomain
To publish for free on a TeleportHQ subdomain go to the top bar, and click the “Publish” button. After you see the ‘Published’ status, you can access the link and check your published page..
You can hover over the Publish status to check when the publish is completed.

How to change TeleportHQ subdomain name
When publishing your project on our free domain, it will be given a random name. To rename the project URL, go to Project Settings, and in the Site address (URL) section, type the new URL. Click save changes and return to the project.
A new Publish is required in order for the link to be updated.

Host on custom domain through TeleportHQ
Another option available is to publish your TeleportHQ project on a custom domain without worrying about the deployment process. This feature is available only on Professional plans.
How to publish on CUSTOM DOMAIN
! This requires that you own an available custom domain and you have a Professional TeleportHQ plan.
If you meet all the requirements mentioned above, you will need to configure the custom domain. For this go to the Top Bar, click the Publish button and there is the Custom domain option. Click on Configure.

If you see a “Setting up a custom domain requires an initial publish on teleportHQ domain.” error message you will need to do a normal publish before you continue configuring your custom domain.
Enter the custom domain in the input field and press continue.
Next, choose the default domain. You will be able to pick one of two options.
You will see the records that you should set on the DNS provider (ex: GoDaddy, and then you need to press on the button “Check status”.
If everything goes ok, your custom domain is all set.
Please note that everytime you make a publish you can choose if you want to publish to the custom domain by enabling or disabling the checkbox.
Host on Custom domain through the Vercel integration
Another option for deploying your project is by using the Vercel integration. All you have to do is set up the vercel token and your project will be deployed based on your specific configurations. This feature is available only on Professional plans.
How to publish with VERCEL HOSTING
! Please note that this requires that you own a Vercel account and a Professional TeleportHQ plan.
First you will need to set up the Vercel integration. From Publish, go to the Vercel tab and click on “Set up token”.
You will be redirected to Project Settings -> Integrations tab and from here you can insert the vercel token and click Save changes.
Enable the checkbox and click publish. The link will be visible in our Vercel section together with the “Published” status. You can also check all the deployments from your Vercel account.
Everytime you make a publish you can choose if you want to publish to the custom domain by enabling the checkbox.

Updated on: 19/03/2025
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