Articles on: Layout & design

Pages basics

Add pages to your project and manage their settings

Create a page
Setting the homepage
Page Settings

1. Create a page

Each new project comes with one default page that is also the homepage of the project.
Creating a new page can be done by pressing on the '+' icon near the Files section in the left panel.

Creating a new page

2. Setting the homepage

The homepage is the main page, the one that will load when opening the project from the deployed link. In order to change it, you can right click on the right item in the Pages section and choose Set as Homepage. You cannot delete a homepage unless it is not marked as one anymore.

How to set up a new homepage

3. Page Settings

There are a number of things you can customize for each page from Page Settings. To go there, right-click on the page item in Pages section and choose Settings.

You can modify the name and the page URL. You can also add details (title, description or image) that will help with SEO and the preview details of the page when sharing the link on social media.

Editing the page settings

Updated on: 23/02/2023

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