Articles on: FAQ

How can I change the background of an element?

To change the background you need to select the container or element, and go to the Right side menu. Scroll down to the "Background" section in which you can choose from multiple options including: background color, gradient or background image.

Color background
Gradient background
Image background
Video background
Advanced panel editing

Color background

When selecting color background you will be prompted with a color picker where you can choose the color you want or add the color code. You can also change the opacity of the background color.

Adding a color background

Gradient background

Similar to color backgrounds, when selecting a color background you will be prompted with a gradient color picker where you can change the type of gradient, color or radial as well as the colors, direction and opacity.

Adding a gradient background

Image background

To add an image as a background to a container from the dropdown menu select Image. Next go to the left panel, Assets manager and click the replace icon on an image. To edit the image background, from the Right panel -> Background section click on the image. This will open a panel where you can change the size, position and repeat properties.

Adding an image background

Video background

To learn how to add a video as a background please check out this article.

Advanced panel editing

You also have additional options in the Advanced tab, for further customization.

Advanced background customization

Updated on: 04/05/2023

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